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Read Strong/Title 1

Manzanita Elementary

Two colored handprints.



“The more you read, the more things you will know. 

The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr. Seuss

Read Strong is our Title 1 comprehensive reading intervention program to support K-3 students in the development of effective reading skills and strategies. Students who demonstrate the need for additional support are eligible to receive services from Reading Specialist, Kara Rawson.

Eligible students will receive services in addition to regular classroom instruction in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and/or text comprehension. Students are identified for participation in the program through a collaborative and comprehensive process that evaluates each student's instructional needs:


DIBELS (Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early LIteracy Skills)

DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment)

Other District-wide grade level assessments

Classroom performance

Teacher recommendation


The goal for the Read Strong/Title 1 program is to provide need-based intervention that enables our students to become strong, independent readers. Continued participation in the program is determined through on-going assessments of student needs and performance. Read Strong classes are held 4 times a week for 30 minutes.


If a student qualifies for Read Strong/Title 1 services with Mrs. Rawson, a letter will be sent home mid-August to notify parents and/or guardians.


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