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Read Strong/Title 1

Manzanita Elementary

Reading Specialist

I grew up near Cleveland, Ohio and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from the University of Akron. I moved to Arizona in 2006 and completed my student teaching at Manzanita. I began my teaching career here as well. I have taught Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade before becoming the Reading Specialist.

I moved away for a year and half to Huntsville, Alabama. While I was there, I had the pleasure of collaborating with teachers in grades K-6 as their Curriculum Specialist. When we moved back to Tucson, I was lucky enough to be able to come back to Manzanita as the Reading Specialist. I continue to work closely with classroom teachers to help every students grow and develop their independent reading skills. 

Teaching reading is a passion of mine and I thoroughly enjoy helping students realize their true potential as a reader. My goal for all of my reading students is to make reading fun, help them notice patterns within words, and inspire them to become confident, independent readers.

I look forward to working with your children this school year! :)



Please feel free to call or email anytime. Email is the quickest way to get in touch with me.

Kara Rawson

Reading Specialist

Manzanita Elementary


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